Group Role (GeriAmbience):
Our group is designing an interactive bathroom for elders. In our group, our collaboration is slightly different from other groups. We have two sub groups. Steven and Mathew is in charge of Kinnect and programming. Allen, Dan and me are in charge of bathroom design and 3D model making. At the end of Easter Break, our design group finished a first rough model to let programing group to test their programming. In the next 2~3 weeks, design group kept develop design and model and will finalised before week 10. During this period, programming group kept develop their programming and after we pass finalised model to them, they will directly insert their programs into our model. In the last two weeks, whole group will collaborate each other and build kinnect models.Individual Task:
In terms of my individual responsibilities in our group, my obligation is to design the bathroom for our group and select all the furnitures and material that needed in our group. To be more specific, I need to build a 3D environment in Google SketchUp and lable all the textures and materials that I used. In order to make sure our group schedule is under control, my task is always the first one that need to be finished.Individual Mile Stone:
Since my responsibility is to create a 3D environment in sketch up and make everything as real as possible. I made a detailed schedule to finish my task.What I did so far is check all the required regulations in Australian Standard, and selecting suitable materials and furnitures for our bathroom and also confirm a design style.
The image below is my time line that demonstrate what I did so far. Actually in week 7, Russell pointed out some weakness of our design so in here I'm just gonna upload my latest designs in week 8. Previous works can be checked in my previous blogs.
Time Line
Week 2: Write Back Brief
Week 3: Check Australian Standard
Week 4: Mood Board, Concept, Floor Plan
Easter Break: Bathroom Plan, Rough Sketch Up Model
Week 6: Develop Model
Week 7: Change Design, Select Caroma Furniture
Week 8: Keep Develop Sketch Up Model
After the floor plan was set, I arranged three different bathrooms to meet our group requirement. The image below demonstrate my bathroom plans.
This image demonstrates my three bathrooms and how they are fitted in the residential house.
My next action was to render an image which can illustrate the materials and how the bathroom looks like.
The image below is a simple furniture list that I selected from caroma australia. The majority furnitures in my design and my model are chosed from caroma company since it is our sponsor.
Group Relection:
In our group, each group member's role and responsbility was defined fairly clear since the project start. So far, our group seems like no much collaborations between each members, howeverm everyone did a large amount of work each week to achieve our group goal. After modeling and crysis environment can be finilised, the whole group will gather together and cooperate with our final kinnect construction to make that awesome plan into real project. So personally speaking, our group members contributed to our group a lot and I wish our collaboration can be better in the next few weeks.
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